No2NP Edinburgh 20th March

oN2NP, No to Named Person are a campaign against the SNP’s insidious Named person legislation that aims  to make the state the third parent in every family in Scotland. If you are unaware of the specifics. Please familiarise yourself with them here…


I would like to ask all members and supporters of the Scottish Libertarian Party to consider signing the petition.

You can also view the Scottish Liberty Podcast’s roving report at the last N2NP event in Dundee here..

N2NP are having another event in Edinburgh on 20th March 2017 at 11:00 hrs. Details Here… 

Please try to get along and lend your support and let the government know we vehemently oppose this infringement of liberty.


Tom Laird



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  1. […] Scottish Libertarian Party Press Release […]

  2. […] Scottish Libertarian Party Press Release […]

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