Bryce Hope SLP

To my fellow freedom fighters,

Thank you for welcoming me into your organisation. I am currently running as SLP candidate for in the by-election for Nigg, Cove and Kincorth in Aberdeen and I wanted to introduce myself.

I was born in Inverness and raised in the sprawling landscapes of the Cairngorms. I moved to Aberdeen in 2010 to study my way to success. I attended Aberdeen College (now NESCol) and University of Aberdeen, finishing with a Masters in music composition. During this time I have striven to find new ways of being and hearing and to expand my knowledge of how people communicate. I work as a self-employed task master, I will turn my hand to any work within my capabilities in my pursuit of learning new skills.

As a councillor, my main aims would be:

– to support the complete opposition to lockdown restrictions at all levels of government;

– to oppose current and further council takeovers of private businesses, especially in care;

– to push for an end in the monopolisation and cronyism of housing development;

– to push back on the licensing burden(s) on all hospitality sector businesses;

– to seek a reduction on the (increasing) tax burden placed upon the heads of the citizenry.

As a party member, I look forward to further exploring the world of libertarianism. I am no expert on the great observations of Adam Smith, I simply seek to say what I see. I am a pretty straight forward guy when you get to know me and I really cannot wait to meet you!

To liberty and joy, all the best.

Bryce Hope


4 responses to “Hope for Aberdeen”

  1. David gray Avatar
    David gray

    Hi there, what’s your view on the NHS and do you endorse removing it and replacing it with private health care? None of your party members ever put that on their election pamplets

    1. Hello David,

      perhaps it’s not the usual council election topic but it’s a fair question! The party understands that the NHS is highly popular in spite of its performance and so we’re skeptical about removing it completely – we would rather allow for more competition and more choice to allow people an escape. Please check out our healthcare policy on the possibility of a more complete reform:

    2. Bryce Hope Avatar
      Bryce Hope

      Hey there David,
      As admin points out, it’s not exactly local council material because even if elected I wouldn’t even get a say on almost all matter of health – minus, perhaps, small local projects.
      However your question is a good one and deserves an answer.
      It would be a bad idea, and I think most reasonable people would agree, to get into power and dissolve the state-driven medical sector immediately. The deconstruction would need to take place brick by brick and in sensible, targeted synchronicity with other sections of the state.
      Why? Because we have a two fold problem. It isn’t enough to simply take the state out of the equation, you also need to allow time for the population to adjust to new systems of working. (It’s partly the reason, I think, why the state has been able to increase in the west over so long – the long march).
      So what do we do?
      The NHS, even from the eyes of people who are supportive of it, has become bloated, slow moving and expensive. Think of a brick yard: your guy in charge needs to be someone who understands the trade, can do it well and efficiently, and who can organise and lead their men to do the same. Someone who can study regulation, navigate bureaucracy and woo commissars isn’t a good foreman. So why do it to a nurse? Where is Matron? She knows how to run wards best, not administrators and managers!
      To tackle this I would start a top-heavy thinning of the NHS: diversity hiring, marketing, regulation, management, etc..
      Then I would make sure that spending was at least done well. Why are they being given such a terrible deal on so many products? Because we have handed powers to people who do not know what they are doing, put frankly.
      I’m not saying I do either btw. The people who know how to run it best are the people who do the job! We must gradually get the state out of people’s way so that nurses and doctors can deal directly with their patients – without a great state apparatus providing obstacles.
      I could on quite a while but hopefully it gives you a fair idea of my line of thinking.

      1. William Hogg Avatar
        William Hogg

        Having worked in an industry with integrated Quality Assurance I was surprised that it is lacking in the NHS, however, it seems that the Care Commission is imbedding nurse level observers. If this is an attempt to introduce QA then it must be hoped that whistle blowers will have a friendly ear in management, that employees will learn from mistakes free of blame, that standards will be adhered to and that incremental improvement in performance can be obtained and maintained.

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