A Call to Action

The Scottish Libertarian Party is growing fast and we urgently need the following…

Area Organisers to help coordinate party activity and meet up groups in their locality.

If you are in Glasgow/Lanarks, Inverness, Dumfries, Borders, Stirling/ Falkirk or Perth we need a committed activist in each of those areas.

Also we have begun compiling our list of Regional PSPCs for the Scottish Elections in 2021 and keen to hear from anyone willing to be a candidate on the Regional lists.

We need your help to change the Scottish political landscape for the better.



Tam Laird

Party Leader


11 responses to “A Call to Action”

  1. Happy to help

  2. Stephen Laing Avatar
    Stephen Laing

    Hello. I would like to talk to someone about a legal injustice that needs to be addressed. I had a car accident in 2017 through no fault of my own, it was Black ice on a motorway, and in the three years since I have been trying to get some form of compensation. I am disabled for the rest of my life and have been rejected by the Scottish Legal system because there is not enough evidence of the road maintenance crew’s negligence. Apparently, Black Ice on the road, as reported by the Police on the scene was not enough evidence to get me into court. These companies (usually owned by multi-million pound companies)think that they are inviolate from prosecution as they are protected from on high against this kind of action. The fact still remains that I am now disabled for the rest of my life and can not get compensation. Victims of violent crime can get compensation but not if you are a company, paid by the taxpayer, given contracts by Governments.
    Can you help me please?

    1. Stephen,

      First of all let me offer my sincere sympathies as I can’t imagine the trauma you have been, and are still going through.
      However in as much as it relates to your individual case, there is probably nothing we
      could do specific to that, however you are welcome to offer a policy
      proposal for our members to consider the implications of such
      incidents to help prevent issues like this from happening again to



      1. Adam Lachlan Macdonald Avatar
        Adam Lachlan Macdonald

        I would be happy to do some door to door leafleting or public campaigning of some kind, you know like setting up a wee stall on the main Street to pass out leaflets and let people know what we’re all about. I live in Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, where, as I’m sure you know, there isn’t a lot of public displays of support to the party and I am prepared to help change the the public opinion of the party.

  3. Ross Gibson Avatar
    Ross Gibson

    I would be willing to help in any way I can

  4. Adam Lachlan Macdonald Avatar
    Adam Lachlan Macdonald

    I’m sorry, I just realised that my last comment was a reply to Stephen Laing. I didn’t mean to reply, I just meant to post my own comment. Sorry.

  5. Lewis Robertson Avatar
    Lewis Robertson

    I’m from the Highland area I can help in anyway needed.

  6. Stephen Mcnamara Avatar
    Stephen Mcnamara

    Best way to start helping is to join in the first instance scottishlibertarians.com/join-us and also join the regular meet ups in person and on zoom.

  7. Maria McFadden Avatar
    Maria McFadden

    What is the deal with West Dunbartonshire? I’m up for rallying etc, needs to be done

  8. we would like to help by putting posters in doors in west lothian

    1. That’s awesome, we’ll make sure the local organiser talks to you! 🙂

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