AGM Minutes

Scottish Libertarian Party AGM Meeting minutes

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Libertarian Party on October 21 2017. Held at Abode Glasgow, 129 Bath Street, G2 2SZ from 9 am to 2pm.

Opening and welcome from Deputy Leader Derek Scott

  • Pretty significant moments highlighted, especially the council elections.
  • Continued growth of party, which is anticipated to be maintained.
  • We’ve moved in the right direction despite the rhetoric made by now former members.
  • During this, Mr Scott announced his immediate resignation due to family and work commitments.
  • Thanks to Tam for his help and support.

Constitutional committee overview

  • Membership review, and stripping of membership of a member due to involvement in controversial groups.
  • Confirmation of new Nominations Officer, Stephen McNamara.
  • Removal of outdated statement from website.
  • Motion carried opposing establishment of Business Improvement Districts.

Treasurer’s report from Liam Harkness

  • Documents issued with details.
  • Good year financially.
  • More financial activity noted this year.
  • Making best use of limited funds.
  • Income
  • Expenditure
  • Balance
  • New bank account opened with RBS
  • Paypal not ideal due to fees.
  • Encourage existing members to donate directly to the new bank account.
  • Gifts in Kind, people paying for their own flyers and election campaigns.
  • Thanks from Derek ScottCoffee Break.

    Election of Key Members

  • Nominations were taken for election of a new Deputy Leader:
    Stef Johnstone was proposed by Derek Scott and seconded by Antony Sammeroff.
    Harry Christian proposed by Stephen McNamara, but declined.
    Antony Sammeroff proposed by Tam laird and seconded by Stephen McNamara.
  • Election was held and Stef Johnstone elected by unanimous vote of members in attendance.
  • Peter Sidor appointed Membership Secretary, but not appointed as part of leadership team, so will remain in Constitutional Committee.
  • Constitutional Committee members vote:
    Harry Christian proposed by Tam Laird and seconded by Stephen McNamara. Voted to confirm.
  • Electoral Commission will be updated with new party details.

    Policy debates

    Healthcare policy by Antony Sammeroff

  • Remove NHS spending from general taxation and replace with compulsory insurance: Voted to tidy up with update.
  • Ensure full coverage by enforcing insurance providers to guarantee coverage for those who cannot afford it or suffer long term health issues. Not voted to adopt.
  • Allow Doctor surgeries and Hospitals to train their own assistants. Voted to adopt.
  • Remove restriction on new medical training facilities opening. Voted to adopt.
  • Derek Scott and Tam Laird will draw up details of specific deregulation, and will be reviewed by CC.
  • NHS will never own a patient’s data and will never be able to share that data to other bodies without that patient’s consent. Voted to adopt.
  • Legislate to allow euthanasia. Voted to adopt.

Right to try experimental treatments if self funded. Voted to adopt.

Other Policies

  • Stephen Mcnamara presented new Universal Basic Income policy. Not voted for this time.
  • Liam Harkness presented change to Scottish independence policy. Not
    voted through.
  • Peter Sidor presented a policy for a blueprint for local power, created by think tank Reform Scotland. Devolution of council rates to local authorities. Voted to adopt.
  • Peter Sidor presented a proposal to ring-fence party funding for an election fund for campaigning and deposits. Voted to adopt.
  • Harry Christian presented a proposal about standing at football grounds. Not carried.
  • Liam Harkness presented a request to purchase a wreath and arrange a commemoration to victims of socialism. Voted to permit.

    Scottish Libertarian Students by Abraham Hakim

  • Derek Scott read out an email from the Scottish Libertarian Students about their activities.

    Upcoming for the year ahead by Tam Laird

  • Closing speech by the Party Leader.
  • Thanking Derek Scott and welcoming new deputy.
  • Harry, Liam, Peter, Stephen, specific thanks for work put in.
  • Good progress from a small party.
  • Tam will make a lot more effort to make his presence felt around Scotland. Promise of 100% commitment to the party and most satisfying thing he has done.
  • Presented new banners.Chair Closed AGM.


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