The postponed AGM is set to go ahead online by Zoom this coming Sunday at 10:00 hrs GMT. The connection details will be sent to all current members via email.
The meeting is open to all but we would ask that due to the extraordinary nature of the meeting being online and that this is the first time we have attempted this, that the meeting be attended by fully paid up members only. This will make the meeting more manageable. Only members are eligible to vote.
There are only two policy proposals to be considered and voted upon, the details are available on this website and the links are provided in the agenda below.
As leader I have decided that the meeting should go ahead to fulfil our obligations under Electoral Commission rules, and that a full and ordinary physical AGM should take place as soon as humanly possible under the current ridiculous government imposed covid restrictions.
Should any member have any strenuous objections to this please lodge them before the AGM commences.
I thank you all for your patience and understanding in the matter.
Tam Laird
Party Leader
1. Welcome (Party Leader)
2. Meeting Opened/Apologies (chair)
3. Minutes of previous AGM
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Matters Arising
6. Membership Secretary’s Report
7. Policy Proposal (P. Sidor)
8 Policy Proposal on Mandatory Vaccinations (J. Rainey)
9. Matters Arising /Any Other Relative Business
10. Date of Next AGM
11. Deputy Leader’s Input/ Message (Health permitting)
12. Meeting Closed (Chair)
An open forum will then be available to all.
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