The Scottish Libertarian Party Condemns Further Military Intervention In The Middle East

The Scottish Libertarian Party Condemns Further Military Intervention In The Middle East

Alan Findlay, the leader of the Scottish Libertarian Party, has condemned today’s vote in Westminster to intervene and bomb targets in Syria and surrounding states.

Alan Findlay said, “Our intervention and historical meddling in the affairs of that region has never helped anyone and only leads to more escalation of violence and a worsening of the current refugee and humanitarian crisis.”

Findlay went on to say, “The West has been intervening in this region for millennia and continues to undermine the democratic process for our own strategic motives. We supply all sides with weapons and bombs, turn a blind eye to our ‘ally’ Saudi Arabia exporting extremist views and then believe we can somehow make it all better by carpet bombing cities with advanced weaponry. There is no such thing as a ‘smart bomb’. Bombs cannot distinguish between a bad guy and a baby.”

The Scottish Libertarian Party condemns Daesh and their terrorist actions both in the land they occupy and in the west. However, we believe we must look to alternate strategies to combat extremism in the region and not repeat the same mistakes that continue to be made while expecting a different result.

At a time of austerity at home and continuing mismanagement of government finances, the conservative government seems to have no problem finding taxpayers’ money to throw at the makers of missiles and their corporate friends. The people of Scotland and the rest of the UK need to hold them accountable for their continued waste and abuse of taxpayers’ money.

For further information, get in touch with us and we can advance the discussion.

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