Living Wage : The Road to Hell… is paved with good intentions.

Living Wage : The Road to Hell… is paved with good intentions.

Why The Scottish Libertarian Party are not endorsing The Living Wage

Often people are incredulous as to why anyone would oppose the living wage. It seems to make sense, right? A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay?

Why would The Scottish Libertarian Party choose not to endorse this law? Why would any Libertarian – someone who believes in personal freedom – oppose that?

Actually there are some fairly nuanced and well considered reasons for opposing the living wage that may surprise you – here are five …

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A Better World

Don’t be such a timecist.It’s like a racist except towards people of another time. Sounds silly doesn’t it, and it should because its from the show South Park. The very concept seems silly, after all, historical people are in the past so you can hardly call them the victims of bigotry. But the thing is that bigotry not only affects the alleged victim but also the perpetrator. The bigot’s mind is closed to possibilities because he is blinded by his prejudices.I will freely admit that …

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