They want to be one of The Elect in Holyrood Heaven

They want to be one of The Elect in Holyrood Heaven

They want to be one of The Elect in Holyrood Heaven

 – but some questions need to be answered first

by Ian Mitchell

After Wednesday night’s uninformative television debate between the leaders of the main parties standing in the May election, it is increasingly important to ask candidates what they actually stand for. They work for the voter, so the voter is entitled to know what they believe in.

Every voter should email his or her candidate MSPs to ask them questions which …

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Scots The Noo – People or Peasants?

Scots The Noo – People or Peasants?

Social historians tend to divide the past into two distinct periods: the time when most people were dependent on their masters for their identity and political opinions; and the later time when they were free to express their individuality and take private positions on public issues. 


The first situation is one in which people were “peasants” in the medieval sense, while in the second they were “people” in the modern sense.

The Battle of Culloden illustrated this difference as the Jacobite Army was in many was a …

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