What Libertarianism Can Do For The Poor

What Libertarianism Can Do For The Poor

Government intervention in our economy is currently taking a massive toll on living standards, especially for the poor, who do not have high disposable incomes and spend the majority of their cash on basic essentials. They take the brunt of rises in the cost of living. We can create a richer society where the costs of living fall, and living standards rise faster.

Here’s how we will do it.

Cheap Accommodation

The cost of housing has skyrocketed over the last five decades and with it the cost of …

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We Shouldn’t Even Need a Basic Income to Meet Everyones Needs!

We Shouldn’t Even Need a Basic Income to Meet Everyones Needs!

Over the past couple of years the popularity of the proposal for a basic income, paid to everyone in the country regardless of their income and occupation (or lack of one) has become increasingly popular. For people on lower incomes it would be in the form of a “negative income tax”; for people on higher incomes it would take the form of a tax deduction; and for people in between they would get a graded combination of both.

It’s easy to see the appeal.

It would make sure that …

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Capitalism Yes! Conservatism NO!

Capitalism Yes! Conservatism NO!

Free Markets have taken on a bad rap in Scotland where capitalism is about as popular as a beef burger at vegan potluck, but that is only because our public perception of capitalism has largely been handed to us by the Tories – a corporatist party who have never in our lifetimes made the moral or utilitarian case for capitalism.

The fact is The Conservatives have never really been for free markets. Even The Thatcher Administration massively increased the size of the state, particularly when it …

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A Better World

Don’t be such a timecist.It’s like a racist except towards people of another time. Sounds silly doesn’t it, and it should because its from the show South Park. The very concept seems silly, after all, historical people are in the past so you can hardly call them the victims of bigotry. But the thing is that bigotry not only affects the alleged victim but also the perpetrator. The bigot’s mind is closed to possibilities because he is blinded by his prejudices.I will freely admit that …

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