The Real Pandemic

The Real Pandemic

For many months now a pandemic has been sweeping the western world. A disease that is a threat to health, our livelihoods and our very way of life. No, not covid-19, but a far more dangerous virus, that has infected the minds of government politicians all over the world: authoritarianism.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to, feelings of distrust and contempt for the public; brazen disregard for the rights of autonomous human beings; and the perverse delusion that governments are entitled to control our lives.

It …

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Apologists for Obama Make the World Safe for Autocrats

Apologists for Obama Make the World Safe for Autocrats

In 2009 Obama went to Prague and stood before an adoring crowd saying, “The United States will help rid the world of Nuclear Weapons.” Under Obama Nuclear Warhead production is greater than under any post-Cold War president. $1 trillion was allocated build more nuclear weapons, delivery systems, and factories than any previous president. He visited Hiroshima on a public relations  campaign, but as a deep act of cynicism. He broke his campaign promise to work with Russia to move nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert.

After winning The …

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Putting The Foot down: In defence of workplace dress codes.

Putting The Foot down: In defence of workplace dress codes.

Recently a  female employee of a temping agency was told to wear high heels to work. She refused, raising the issue on social media and creating a furore. Now the employee in question, Nicola Thorp, has launched a petition to have government outlaw such dress codes on the grounds that they are sexist.

At the risk of making a “straw-woman” of the case, the argument seems to be that wearing heels is painful and the requirement to wear them is only imposed for aesthetics reasons; reasons which …

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